Wednesday, October 24, 2018

CIOs Need To Make Sure That They Are Ready For Clouds: Both Business And Personal

Quick question: what is the #1 job of a CIO?  Hmm, good question, eh? Although this should really be part of the definition of information technology, I'm pretty sure that we could sit around and debate just exactly what is the #1 job of a CIO all day; however, I'm also pretty sure that we could agree that bringing innovation into the business has to be one of the top jobs of both the CIO and the entire IT department. Now the big question is just exactly how should we go about doing this?
Make Your IT Department "Cloud Friendly"?
We all know that the era of the cloud is just about ready to arrive. However, CIOs need to take the lead and make sure that their IT departments are ready for this change. The first thing that the CIO is going to need to do is to create a plan for the IT department to use cloud services.
What this means is that the IT department needs to come up with a way to transition from not using any cloud apps to making them a part of everyday life. Don't wait for the company's business units to push for cloud based applications - have the IT department take the lead!
Taking the lead means that your IT department is going to have to create models that will help you to deal with a cloud based world. This will include dealing with purchasing, integrating, monitoring, compliance, and supporting. One way to make this happen sooner rather than later is for the CIO to establish the requirement that every software RFP now must have at least one software-as-a-service (SaaS) option.
Get Ready For Employees To Start To Bring Their Own Cloud To Work
It used to be that CIOs only had to worry about their employees bringing thumb drives or floppy disks from home into work. That's all changed now. With the arrival of so-called "personal cloud" services such as Apple's highly touted iCloud or Dropbox or SkyDrive your employees can now easily bring their own personal cloud into the work place.
This is going to happen no matter what you want to happen. The question is how do you want to respond to it? You can, of course, always resist the arrival of personal clouds and spend your time blocking them. However, you'll eventually lose.
A better plan for CIOs is to take the time to help the company's employees figure out how to deal with their personal clouds. You're company is going to need to have a plan for how employees deal with a cloud that may contain both professional and personal data.
What All Of This Means For You
Every business looks to their IT department to lead the way when it comes to evaluating new technologies that have shown up in the IT sector. New and innovative ideas can come from these types of evaluations and so the CIO needs to make sure that he or she is out in front leading the charge.
The arrival of the era of the cloud provides CIOs with many different ways to be innovative. However, every IT department is going to struggle as they transform from a non-cloud to a cloud environment. CIOs need to help this transition by insisting that cloud based solutions be considered when purchasing new software. The cloud is not just something that the company builds - your employees will have their own personal clouds. This means that the CIO needs to come up with a plan for how to deal with personal clouds. The use of such clouds will only grow ad so this issue must be dealt with now!
Yes, the life of a CIO is busy. However, making the time to do the proper evaluation of new technologies is a critical part of the job and is key to the importance of information technology. Do this task right, and you will have shown the entire IT department how to remind the rest of the company just how valuable IT really is.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Top 5 Cloud Hosting Providers you must know

In a few years time, cloud hosting will be one of the most used hosting services because of its entirely new concept that sets it apart from other hosting services. The concept that set web hosting apart is the "Divide and Rule" concept. Which means the resources needed for maintaining your website are spread out across one server. The advantage is that it significantly reduces server downtimes in case of server malfunction. Another feature is that you can manage peak loads without having any bandwidth issues because another server will give additional resources for such matter. Your website does not rely on one server, but a number of servers that work together.
Rackspace is a hosting provider that is hugely popular and is well-known to offer the best cloud hosting services, although too expensive for a hosting provider. Rackspace plans are offered in 3 types, Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud. Public cloud is the cheapest where it offers flexible plans and pay-what-you use program for only $15 per month. Private cloud is like VPS for cloud hosting. It uses OpenStack, the operating system for cloud-based hosting system. Hybrid Cloud, on the other hand is where you can run OpenStack cloud in your data center or connect a public cloud rack space.
Microsoft Cloud Solutions
Microsoft Cloud Solutions is a cloud hosting solution offered by Microsoft that has Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure is Microsoft's cloud platform. The plan offered is pay-as-you-go priced at $0.12 per hour per computing, $0.15 per GB of storage, and $0.10 for every storage transactions. The basic web edition which is only $9.99 per month, and the business edition priced at $99.99 per month. It is highly scalable and uses automatic scaling and is an open platform which can support both Microsoft and non-Microsoft environment and languages.
iCloud Hosting
iCloud Hosting is another popular cloud hosting provider because it offers cheap hosting plans. Other than that, the site offers domain registrations, and VPS aside from cloud hosting. iCloud Hosting is known for providing the best service and has optimal reliability.
Linode Cloud Servers
Linode Cloud Servers is a hosting provider that permits scalable deployment of applications in which an individual can boot virtual machines. The virtual machines, or node used to run any software or application. The smallest plan which has about 512MB of ram, 20GB of storage, and 200 GB of bandwidth is $19.95 while the larger plan which has 4096 MB of RAM 160GB storage, and 1600GB of bandwidth is prices at $159.95 per month.
GoGrid Cloud Hosting
GoGrid is another hosting provider that has been known for offering fast and reliable servers even when they are just an emerging company. Their lowest-priced server or called X-Small has 512MB of RAM, a storage space of 25GB priced at $18.13 per hour. Their more expensive server called XXX-Large has 24GB of ram, 800GB or storage space priced at $870 per month.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Create You iCloud Email Alias : Step by step guide

Many individuals have got their own reasons for needing a fresh email address. But you won't need to enroll in a different email account to obtain one. All you actually have to do is make an alias. And it is quite effortless to do.
When I was a new comer to the internet I went everywhere. And I handed out my email address to almost anyone that wanted it. Tssk Tssk, I know. So it was not long before I was having to clear out my inbox every week of several hundred unwelcome e-mails. I genuinely HATE SPAM!
Enter the email alias, and the predicament is settled. You essentially establish a throwaway e-mail address which goes into and out of your primary account without effecting it at all. Should you goof up and give it to some web site which markets your information, and in turn you start receiving a lot of e-mail that you didn't request, you simply delete it and make a another one.
I use my alias email addresses mostly for first time sites which I don't have any experience with. Such as when I am shopping online. If, after a couple of months, I have to get back on the website for something, and I haven't received any new onset of SPAM, I will modify the email address to my primary address. I also make use of them whenever an email address is required for some type of drawing. Ever sign up for that car parked in the center of the local mall?
Creating an iCloud email alias to get yourself a brand new email address is not hard to accomplish. Let's dig in.
Head over to  and log on to your account. Once there, click on the e-mail application. At the top right corner you will notice the gear image. Click on the gear and then click "Preferences".
Beneath the "Accounts" tab, in the bottom left, select the "Add an alias" hyperlink. In the window that appears, choose your "Alias", put your name within the "Full Name" region, and give it a "Description" like JUNK or SHOPPING. Click "OK" and see if the alias is available. If it is not, pick a another one and try once again until finally you choose one that is available.
When the window closes, select the freshly created alias from the left column and make certain the check box alongside "Receive mail and send mail from this alias" is selected.
If you plan to utilize your brand new alias for your main account, then go to the "Composing" tab. Adjacent to the "Identity" heading you will notice "Send new messages from" and after that a drop down box. Make certain your new alias is selected and click on "Done".
If you are intending to implement the alias as a junk address then you won't need to concern yourself with the "Composing" tab. Just make certain you check any kind of replies you send out to those iffy websites and ensure you're delivering your reply from you junk account.
Trashing an e-mail alias is fairly straight forward. From inside the Preferences pane, select the alias you intend to get rid of. At the bottom of the pane, near the center, you will see "Delete Alias". Click it and a confirmation window will appear. Click on "Delete Alias" once again from the window and you're all done.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Most Awaited Gadgets of 2012

Nowadays, people can't spend a day without using an electronic gadget. Using them can save you a lot of time and effort. Techies have a lot of anticipations for the coming months. Here are some of the top devices that gadget freaks have been waiting for.
1. Apple iPhone 5. Rumors said that this sleek smartphone features a fast A6 processor and NFC capability. It will have a different design compared to the previous iPhones. It will have a bigger screen and aluminum back.
2. iPad 3. Aside from WiFi and 3G, it has a 4G LTE connection. It is equipped with the application Siri, Retina display, and FaceTime. It also has a better resolution and processor as well as a little thicker profile. It features a 5 megapixel camera, voice dictation, and a 1080p video recording.
3. Xbox 720. This upcoming Microsoft video game device will have an 8-core processor, webcam, 3D, and live TV. According to multiple resources, it will have a faster processor and more multimedia support. It will also have an installed GPS to allow users to track the exact location of other Xbox users.
4. Nintendo Wii U. This upcoming Nintendo gadget will offer a new world of gaming possibilities and playing styles. It will have a touch screen controller with a built-in speaker, microphone, accelerometer, rumble, gyroscope, and camera. This ultra-powerful console will support 1080p high-definition graphics.
5. Samsung Galaxy S III. Based on humors, this smart phone features a dual camera, Android software, and 7-mm waist line. Its predecessor, Samsung Galaxy S II, is one of the fastest phones so many fans are anticipating for the release of the updated gadget.
6. Sony PlayStation 4. According to some sources, this gaming device will have its own 3D motion tracking camera and dual shock controller. It will also have 3D and high-tech gaming features to let the users have a next generation gaming experience. It will also support a 1.5TB hard disk drive.
7. Ultrabooks. This higher-end type of subnotebook is expected to make up 12% of the laptop market on 2012. Leading laptop brands (including ASUS, Samsung and Acer) are increasing the power of this device while decreasing its weight. It is humored that more than 20 Ultrabooks will be released this year.
8. Amazon Rekindle. This digital device will have its own Appstore, apps set, and a Cloud Player for audiophile streamers. According to some analyst, Amazon may create a sleeker second-generation version of the current model or a larger screen device.
9. Canon EOS 5D Mark III. Canon is set to release a new mirror less, full-frame DSLR with a full 35mm sensor, larger LCD, and an ISO range from 100 to 25600. They will expand the autofocus into 19 major points. It will also have 22 megapixels and can capture 6.9fps.
10. Apple HDTV. Also know as Apple iTV, it will support iCloud, run iOS, and access YouTube, Flickr and Netflix. It can also be operated using an iPad or iPhone. It can also be controlled using Siri.

Setting up iCloud - The Essential Guide for the noob

iCloud - you've heard of it, right? Are you using it? It seems like most people know what iCloud is but they either don't use it or don't use it to its full potential. This essential guide aims to clear up all questions you may have on iCloud, what it is, what it does and why you need to use it. Whether you use Windows or a Mac there will be an opportunity for you to use iCloud if you have an iOS device, so if you don't know much about it or you want to know more then make sure you read on...
What Is iCloud?
iCloud is a cloud storage service introduced by Apple in 2011. Just over a year on there are over 150 million iCloud users from all around the world. The service allows users of iOS devices and computers running Mac OS X Lion / Mountain Lion or Windows Vista / Windows 7 to store data from their devices onto Apple's servers so they can be accessed from other devices almost instantly. It is a fantastic way of not only being able to share information and media across devices, but also to hold backups of certain files. Some features of iCloud are even available from the iCloud website so you can access things like your calendar or contacts from anywhere in the world on a device with an Internet connection.
iCloud Features
iOS Backup and Restore iCloud allows users to back up their iOS devices online rather than the traditional way of backing up to your PC or Mac (although you can, of course, still do this). A great benefit of this is that backups can then be restored to your iOS device without you having to connect your device to your computer.
Find My iPhone This feature allows you to track the location of either your iOS device or your Mac. It will show you a map that tells you the rough location of where the devices currently are. Amazingly, it seems to be pretty accurate from the tests that I've conducted. With this you also have the ability to display a message on the device, play a sound on the device (even if it is set to silent), change the password on the device or even to remotely wipe the contents of the device.
Photo Stream This service allows users to store their most recent 1,000 photos on the iCloud servers for up to 30 days, completely free of charge. If you have Photo Stream enabled on one of your iOS devices and you capture an image, that image is sent to iCloud and will appear pretty quickly on any other iOS devices that you also have Photo Stream enabled for, including the Apple TV. For the photos to appear on your Mac you'll need to have iPhoto or Aperture installed. You'll require iPhoto '11 version 9.2 or Aperture version 3.2 or later.
Email This feature requires you to have an @ email address for the Email option to show up in iCloud. It is an optional part of iCloud which gives you easy access to your email account online from anywhere in the world, even if you don't have you iOS device with you. If you've used the now defunct MobileMe in the past then you may well have an Apple ID which is @ or @ - both of these will allow the Email option to show up too to give you quick access to your emails.
Back To My Mac This is a brilliant feature that allows you to access files from a Mac set up with your Apple ID to any other Mac set up with your Apple ID, so if you have an iMac and a MacBook Pro you'll be able to connect to the files on one from the other not only from a local area network, but also from anywhere around the world. In addition to this there is also a screen sharing facility that will let you remotely connect to the other Mac in the same way that Remote Desktop on Windows would let you do this locally, only with Back To My Mac you can, again, do this from anywhere in the world.
iTunes Match iTunes Match is a paid feature of iCloud. For an annual fee you can scan and match tracks from your iTunes library (whether the tracks have been downloaded from iTunes, ripped from CD's or acquired in any other ways) to tracks in the iTunes store so that they don't need to be re-purchased on all of your devices. There is a limit, unfortunately, of 25,000 tracks that can be matched - it may be enough for most people but for hardcore music fans they might struggle a bit with that limitation. If there is a tracks that is in your iTunes library but isn't available on iTunes for purchase you'll have the option to upload that track to the iCloud servers to allow it to be downloaded to other iOS devices. It is essential to note that any tracks that are matched with iTunes won't reduce the amount of memory you have available to use with iCloud, but any tracks that don't match and you upload will reduce the free available space that your iCloud account has.
Contacts Contacts can be synced between devices. For PC's running Windows, iCloud will synchronise your contacts with Outlook 2007 or above. For Mac users your contacts will be synced with the Contacts app that comes with your OS. Of course if you aren't using iCloud on a computer this will synchronise with the contacts on your iOS device.
Calendar Calendar events can be synchronised to iCloud too, again through Outlook 2007 or above on Windows or through the Calendar program on your Mac. This easily allows you to add appointments to your calendar using the iCloud website when you are away from your iCloud enabled devices. Fantastic. Reminders will also show up in the Calendar app, synced from the Reminders program in OS X or on your iOS device.
iWork iWork is a suite of programs available for your Mac which include Keynote (for creating presentations), Pages (for word processing) and Numbers (for creating spreadsheets). If you have iCloud enabled on your Mac or iOS device that is using any of the iWork programs then you'll be able to save the documents straight to iCloud rather than saving them locally, thus allowing you access to these documents from any computer with an Internet connection.
Find My Friends This feature allows you to locate your friends who also have the feature enabled. Waiting to meet a friend for coffee and wanting to know if they are nearby? Just load up the app on your iOS device and it'll let you see their current location.
Safari Reading Lists & iCloud Tabs Reading Lists were introduced into Safari from version 5.1 to allow you to add different web pages to your "reading list" to read at a later date. With iCloud these can be synchronised across your devices to enable the same list to appear on any of the iCloud enabled devices that have Safari installed. Another fantastic feature is that it can also synchronise your open tabs in Safari across devices. Open 3 tabs with different web pages on your Mac and they will all show up when you open Safari on your iPhone/iPad and vice versa.
iCloud Storage Pricing
Each iCloud account comes with 5GB of free storage, which for casual users will be more than enough. Additional storage can be purchased in tiers of 10, 20, or 50 GB. Each additional 10GB that you purchase will cost $20, £14, or €16. The most you can buy is 50GB which will give you 55GB in total when you include the 5GB of free space that you receive just for using the service.
System Requirements
To create a new account you are going to need an iOS device running iOS version 5 or above or a Mac using OS X Lion 10.7 or above. Synchronising with a PC will require you to have Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 or Windows 7. From a PC you can sync calendars, contacts and reminders to iCloud using Microsoft Outlook 2007 or above. Internet Explorer 8+ or Safari 5.1.1+ can be used to sync bookmarks between devices.
Setting Up iCloud
Sign In With Your Apple ID To set up iCloud you are going to require an Apple ID. If you've bought anything from Apple before then you'll have one. If not then you can sign up for one at  You'll then need to go to  to sign in. Activate iCloud On Your Mac To activate iCloud on your Mac you are going to need to:
Go to System Preferences.

Select iCloud.

Sign in with your Apple ID and password.

Tick the iCloud features that you want to use.
Activate iCloud On Your iOS Device
Go to Settings.

Tap onto iCloud on the left and switch it on.

Tick the iCloud features that you want to use.
What's Next?
iOS 6 is due to be released at some point over the next month or so, and we already know that there will be some great enhancements to iCloud. Shared Photo Streams will allow you to select photos to share with friends so they will appear in your friend's photo streams on their iOS device or their iMac. Of course, you'll be able to select the friends to send the photos to, it won't send them to all of your contacts with an Apple ID. Find My iPhone will get a "lost" mode which will make it even easier to try and track a lost iOS device. You'll be able to add a 4 digit passcode onto the device if it isn't secured with a passcode already and you'll be able to send your contact details to it too which will show up on the locked screen, so if your device has been found then someone knows how to contact you to get it back to you. It also features enhanced tracking so you can see where the iOS device has been while it has been in "lost" mode. Find My Friends will get location based alerts, so you can get an alert when your child leaves school or when they arrive home. Reading Lists will now download whole web pages rather than just links to webpages, so you can view content saved to your reading list even without an Internet connection.
Anything Else?
Where do we start? We've covered the main features of iCloud and how it is set up, but there are so many other things that you may need to know. Ask us any questions on iCloud in the comments section below and we'll try our best to answer them. Hopefully after reading all of this you'll either have started to use iCloud or will have found additional uses for it that you didn't know existed before. For the casual user it doesn't cost a dime which is always great news, as long as you stick below your 5GB storage limit. If we haven't encouraged you to at least give iCloud a try then let us know why in the comments below.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Bypass iCloud Activering op 8.2 8.1.3 8.1.2 8.1.1 8.1 8.0.2 en hoger

Bypass iCloud Activering op 8.2 8.1.3 8.1.2 8.1.1 8.1 8.0.2 en hoger . Deze methode werkt op alle iOS-versie 





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